Our mission is to inspire, encourage and guide authors to create compelling books that are emotionally moving, intellectually stimulating, and vividly transporting.
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Need a little extra help with your query, synopsis, or writing? I offer a range of services for writers looking to improve their work.
Query critique: $100 (line edits and editorial assessment for a one-page query, queries over a page require an additional fee), $75 (editorial assessment only)
This is a great option for writers who aren't getting the response to their query that they were hoping for. I will provide you with a thorough analysis of what's working in your query and what isn't to help you take it to the next level. (Please note, this is a one-time service. Any subsequent drafts will be handled separately.)
First page critique: $100 (line edits and editorial assessment), $75 (editorial assessment only)
Though queries can get your foot in the door, for me it always comes down to the writing in the manuscript. Many agents and editors will only read as much of a manuscript as they need to make a decision, so your opening page is crucial to grabbing an agent's interest. I will provide you with a thorough analysis of your first page to help you make your writing sparkle. (Please note, this is a one-time service. Any subsequent drafts will be handled separately.)
Synopsis critique: $100 (line edits and editorial assessment for a one-page synopsis, synopses over a page require an additional fee), $75 (editorial assessment only)
Many agents ask for a synopsis in addition to a query and sample pages. If you're unsure if your synopsis is hitting the mark, I will provide you with a thorough analysis of the flow and tone of your synopsis to make sure it's communicating your plot effectively. (Please note, this is a one-time service. Any subsequent drafts will be handled separately.)
First 10 pages critique: $450 (line edits and editorial assessment), $225 (editorial assessment only)
Want even more feedback on your writing? This is a great option for writers who want to go beyond the first page and dig into the mechanics of an opening. I will provide you with a thorough analysis of your first 10 pages to help you gain a wider scope of how to grab a reader s attention and hold it. (Please note, this is a one-time service. Any subsequent drafts will be handled separately.)
Thirty-minute Zoom call: $30
Have burning questions about your query, your book, working with an agent or just publishing in general? This is a great option for writers who want to pick the brain of an agent to see how they can make their publishing dreams come true.
If you're interested in scheduling any of these services, please email me at anniebomke.critiques@gmail.com and we can work out a timeline that suits both of our needs.
All fees are payable via Paypal and payment is required before any services take place.
Please note, I don't offer these services for the following genres: middle grade, chapter books, picture books, graphic novels, poetry, screenplays, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, or paranormal. These genres are outside of my expertise, so I'm not the best person to help you with them.
The services described here are entirely separate from my services as a literary agent. Authors seeking these services who later decide to query me acknowledge that I will not give their book special consideration or treat it any differently than any other unsolicited query. I say this not only for my own sake, but for the authors' as well. I would never want to give an author the false expectation that utilizing my critique services would give them an "in" to becoming one of my clients. Even if you have the most spectacular query in the world your book still might not be right for me, but you'll have a spectacular query to submit to other agents. Though I can't guarantee these services will get you a book deal, I can offer my years of experience to guide you in the right direction.